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About Us

The most trusted cryptocurrency platform

We Are Registered and Incorporated on UK And USA Company House, Trendsetcrypto LTD is a Global leader in Online Trading and Investment, bringing the opportunities of financial markets to global audiences, wherever they are and whatever their financial ambitions.

What we do

Trendsetcrypto LTD are specialists in leveraged trading, giving you the potential to generate financial returns on both rising and falling prices across FX, indices, stocks, cryptocurrencies, commodities, real estate, oil and shares. Whether you’re an experienced trader or completely new to it, we’re here to help you find freedom in the financial markets.

Trendsetcrypto LTD network of offices and regulations spans Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America, North America and we have already attracted over 2 million clients across 180 countries.


A leadership team with a wealth of experience


The leadership team behind Trendsetcrypto LTD has a wealth of experience in banking, trading and financial technology and are committed to helping our clients succeed in the financial markets.


Global regulation and segregated funds protection


As a pioneer in alternative investing, Trendsetcrypto LTD has a long track record of managing the complexities of these types of strategies. By investing long and short, and balancing exposure to factors and asset classes, our alternative strategies are built to seek returns in both up and down markets.

We offer both absolute return strategies, which target zero exposure to traditional markets, either at all times, or on average; and total return strategies, which maintain some exposure to traditional markets.

Licensed and regulated

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